
0x4cProgrammatic SEO with NextJS

Essentials of programmatic seo with nextjs made by https://0x4c.quest

How to Generate SEO-Friendly URLs Dynamically in Next.js

Creating SEO-friendly URLs is like crafting the perfect invitation to your website; it sets the tone and encourages visitors to click. A well-structured URL not only enhances user experience but also plays a significant role in search engine rankings. Let’s explore how to dynamically generate clean, SEO-optimized URLs in Next.js, avoiding pitfalls that can trip up your site's performance.

How to Generate SEO-Friendly URLs Dynamically in Next.js

Importance of URL Structure for SEO

Think of your URL as a digital address. It tells search engines and users what to expect on a given page. Here’s why URL structure matters:

  1. User Experience: A clean URL is easier to read and remember. For example, yourwebsite.com/blog/understanding-seo is far more inviting than yourwebsite.com/post?id=12345.

  2. Keyword Relevance: Including relevant keywords in your URLs helps search engines understand the content better. This can improve your chances of ranking higher.

  3. Link Sharing: Clean URLs are more likely to be shared. Users are hesitant to share complex URLs filled with parameters. Simplicity is key!

Studies show that URLs with keywords can boost click-through rates by up to 30%. Now, let's put that knowledge into action!

Dynamic Routing and Creating SEO-Friendly URL Slugs

Next.js makes dynamic routing a breeze. Here’s how to generate those clean slugs step-by-step.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Next.js Project

If you haven’t started a Next.js project yet, here’s your chance:

npx create-next-app seo-friendly-urls
cd seo-friendly-urls

Step 2: Create a Dynamic Route

In your pages directory, create a folder named blog, and then add a file named [slug].js. The brackets indicate that this is a dynamic route.

mkdir pages/blog
touch pages/blog/[slug].js

Step 3: Generating the Dynamic Slugs

In [slug].js, you’ll need to fetch your content and map it to the URL slug. Here’s a basic example of how to do that:

// pages/blog/[slug].js
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const BlogPost = ({ post }) => {
    const router = useRouter();

    // Handle loading state
    if (router.isFallback) {
        return <div>Loading...</div>;

    return (

// Fetching post data
export async function getStaticPaths() {
    const posts = await fetch('https://api.yourwebsite.com/posts');
    const data = await posts.json();

    const paths = data.map(post => ({
        params: { slug: post.slug },

    return { paths, fallback: true };

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
    const res = await fetch(`https://api.yourwebsite.com/posts/${params.slug}`);
    const post = await res.json();

    return {
        props: { post },

export default BlogPost;

Step 4: Creating Slugs

When storing your content, it’s crucial to generate SEO-friendly slugs. For example, instead of using a post ID, use a title-based slug that looks like this:

const createSlug = (title) => {
    return title.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, '-').replace(/^-|-$/g, '');

When you save a post, call createSlug(post.title) to ensure you have a clean URL.

Avoiding Common URL Mistakes

Now that we’ve got dynamic slugs down, let’s chat about a few common pitfalls to avoid:

1. Duplicate Content

Having multiple URLs point to the same content can confuse search engines. Always ensure that each slug is unique. Using slugs based on titles generally helps with this, but also keep an eye on your content management strategy.

2. Excessive Parameters

Avoid cluttered URLs with unnecessary query parameters. They can dilute your keyword focus and create confusion. For example, yourwebsite.com/blog?id=123&category=seo is less desirable than yourwebsite.com/blog/understanding-seo.

3. Changing Slugs Post-Publish

If you change a slug after publishing, make sure to set up 301 redirects from the old URL to the new one. This way, you won’t lose any incoming traffic or SEO value.

4. Forgetting to Optimize

Just because a URL is dynamically generated doesn’t mean it’s optimized. Take the time to review and refine your URL structures regularly. Use tools like Google Search Console to identify any issues with your URLs.


Creating SEO-friendly URLs in Next.js isn’t just a technical task; it’s an art form that can significantly enhance your site’s performance. By focusing on clean structures and avoiding common mistakes, you set the stage for better indexing and improved user experience.

As you move forward, remember: your URLs are the first impression for both users and search engines. Make them count! Happy coding!


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